Burz-Tropper Veronika
Copyright: Peter Rigaud
Burz-Tropper Veronika
Project leader "Gottesrede in the Gospel of John"
Phone: +43-1-4277-30405
- ARGEAss (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistenten an bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich)
- Junior-Member der ET (European Society for Catholic Theology)
- ESWTR (European Society of Women in Theological Research)
- Forum Theologisches Studienjahr Jerusalem
- SBL (Society of Biblical Literature)
- 5/2008 – 9/2009 substitutional member, 10/2009 – 11/2011 full member of pre-doc assistants in the conference of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna
- Modern Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Basics of Ivrit
- Old Languages: Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Basics of Syriac
- Merit scholarships 2005, 2006 and 2008 at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz
- Scholarship „Forum Junge Theologie 2011“ – „Helden und Heilige. Aktuelle theologische Annäherungen an zwei zentrale Topoi der christlichen Tradition“ (14.07.-17.07. 2011, Tanzenberg, Kärnten) with Paper („Held oder/und Anti-Held als Kategorie(n) für Jesus von Nazaret? Eine Spurensuche im Markusevangelium“)
- Award of Excellence 2011 by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research
- Dissertation-Award 2011 of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna